Thursday, July 22, 2010


1. Create a high impressive blog with bold fonts and clear pictures.

* Include pictures and videos (optional) of things that will promote your products to your web blog.
* Insert contents that relate with your title header to your blog.

2. Insert Google AdSense to your blog to maximize your revenue income.

* First, get a Google AdSense account.
* Include new/improved feature offered by google analytic tools, seos etc.

3. Create two or more sites/blog and interlink them all with one another.

i.e if you have a blog that talks about online business, you can recreate another blog that talks about investments and reconnect it via a hyperlink in your 1st blog.

4. Always update your blog regularly so as to keep your online visitors.

* Post new events/info on your web log for upcoming visitors to see.

5. Drive in more traffic to your blog by:

A. Posting your links via email or text to your relatives,friends and people with interest in your niche. Avoid spamming!
B. Advertise your blog link on the mass media (newspapers, tv, radio etc).
C. Register with online forums, make meaningful threads. Always include your blog link as a signature in the bottom of all your forum posts.
D. Make a business card and include your blog as a means of contact. You can hand it over manually to business associates.

6. Link your blog to other bigger/successful blogs.


1. Write and submit articles to the article directories.

2. Buy and use an easy to remember domain name. (Get FREE
Domain Names for your websites at

3. Answer people's questions on

4. Post in forums and have a link to your site in your
forum signature.

5. Write a press release and submit it to

6. Advertise your website in the appropriate newspaper
medium for your target audience.

7. Give an unbiased testimonial on a product/service that
you have used in exchange for a back link to your site.

8. Start a blog and submit it to free blog directories.

9. Manually submit your website to the major search engines.

10. Optimize each page of your website for a particular
keyword or search phrase so that your website can
be on the first page for Google search in your niche

11. Add a link in your email signature about your
website in your emails. It's a free and easy way
to get a little more traffic.

12. Make a custom 404 error page for your website
redirecting people to your home page.

13. Use PPC search engine advertising.

14. Start an affiliate program for your products by recruiting
other people to market your product for you and
send you visitors. Visit
for more of this.

15. Have a tell-a-friend form on your site.

16. Send articles to ezine publishers that includes
a link to your website.